Installing OpenBlock on Amazon AWS

This is the fastest way to try out OpenBlock. You can launch an instance cloned from our AMI and start feeding in data in minutes.

Warning, experimental!

Our AMI is still new and hasn't been widely tested. Please report any issue to the mailing list.

Get an Account

If you haven't registered for Amazon AWS, you might try out a free account. OpenBlock will happily run on the smallest (micro) EC2 instance size.

Launch an Instance ...

In the AWS EC2 management console, click "Launch Instance". Click "Community AMIs", and in the search box, type in "ami-69d91600". (You can also try searching for "openblock".)

Select the OpenBlock AMI, then continue through the wizard until your instance is launched. You can leave all options at their default values (except the security group) unless you know what you're doing.

Security groups

Note that the default security group has all ports closed. You can modify your default security group, or create a new one; either way you must add the SSH and HTTP rules to open ports 22 and 80. Otherwise you won't be able to connect to your new instance at all.

As part of the setup, you'll be prompted to create a key pair (if you don't have one already). It's very important that you save the PEM file that it prompts you to download. You'll use this to ssh to your server later.

Or if you prefer, you can use Amazon's ec2-run-instances command-line tool, which is beyond the scope of this document.

Don't forget to stop it!

Remember that AWS bills by the hour. Especially if you're not on the free plan, be sure to stop or terminate any instances you're not using when done with them.

Does It Work?

If all goes well, you will be immediately able to browse OpenBlock on your new instance. In the AWS EC2 console, click on your running instance, and look for its "Public DNS". This will be a domain name such as "". Paste or type that into your browser, and you should see the OpenBlock front page.

If the connection times out, make sure your security group allows connecting to port 80.

Until you finish configuration and data loading, your site will have some boring defaults, such as the title "OpenBlock: Your City", and there will be no locations and no news.

What You Have

  • Openblock 1.1. A checkout of the stable branch is installed in a virtualenv at /home/openblock/openblock.
  • A "custom" app named "myblock" as per the docs, installed at /home/openblock/openblock/src/myblock/myblock
  • Ubuntu 11.04 ("Natty"), Python 2.7, Postgresql 8.4 and PostGIS 1.5, Apache2, mod_wsgi.

The code and its database are set up as if you had already followed the Preparing Your System, Installing the Openblock Software, and Creating a Custom Site Based on OpenBlock instructions.

A few other nice details are taken care of for you:

  • cron jobs are configured in /etc/cron.d/openblock. Notably, this cron config has some commented-out examples of running scraper scripts. It also periodically runs any Background Tasks. It also sends the alerts email messages.
  • logrotate is already configured to rotate the apache and openblock logs, so they won't fill up your storage.

Get ssh access

Next you'll need to log in to your server to do some configuration. The username will be ubuntu and you'll need to use the PEM file that you were prompted to save when you launched your instance, and your public DNS that you can find in the EC2 console.

If you have a command-line ssh tool such as openssh, you can log in like so:


If you're using another ssh tool such as PuTTY, try searching the web for instructions on how to use it with AWS.

Once you're in...

You'll be logged in as the ubuntu user, but openblock is installed by the openblock user. So typically the first thing you will do is run these commands:

$ sudo su - openblock
$ cd /home/openblock/openblock
$ source bin/activate
$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=myblock.settings

Users and Permissions on Your EC2 Instance

Note that the openblock user can do most anything that needs doing in its home directory, but has no password and has limited privileges beyond that, eg. cannot use sudo. I often keep a second terminal logged in as ubuntu for those times that I need to use sudo.

Change Settings

The OpenBlock config file will be at /home/openblock/openblock/src/myblock/myblock/ Edit that file as per Configuring OpenBlock.

(Text editors nano and vim are installed; you can of course install emacs or whatever else you like.)

Security warning: it is especially important that you change the PASSWORD_CREATE_SALT and PASSWORD_RESET_SALT settings.

Note that anytime you change settings, or updater your openblock code, you'll want to run this command before you can see your changes take effect on your site:

$  touch /home/openblock/openblock/wsgi/myblock.wsgi

Warning about email!

OpenBlock uses outgoing email for two features: account registration, and email alert subscriptions. You can't really send email from an EC2 host. Due to spam concerns, Amazon strictly limits the amount of email you can send, and many ISPs block email from EC2 anyway. The solution is to use another email server to send your outgoing email. If you don't have an SMTP server available, you may be able to use a gmail account or similar; for example, see this blog post. Or you might try Amazon's own email service:

Make an Admin User

Your instance does not come with an administrative django user, because of course we don't want other people who clone the AMI to know your password. You can create one with this command:

$ createsuperuser

Now you can log in at http://<your public DNS>/admin.

What's Next

You'll want to start Loading Geographic Data.

Then you'll want to add some custom content types to your site, and write some scraper scripts to populate them.